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Osteopathy during Pregnancy

osteopathy during pregnancyPregnancy is a very physical experience. The mother has to gradually adapt to carrying up to 20lbs of baby, waters and placenta during the pregnancy, therefore considerable postural changes are necessary to accommodate the increasing size and weight of the uterus. At the same time, hormonal changes cause ligaments all over the body to soften and stretch in preparation for labour.

Any pre-existing back problems or strains from past accidents or trauma may make it more difficult for the body to adapt and result in aches and pains in any part of the body.

Postural difficulties generally increase from around 20 weeks as the uterus becomes heavier and starts to take up more space in the abdomen. This may cause back ache and sciatica, neck ache, headaches, aching legs and undue fatigue.

Gentle Osteopathic Techniques are very beneficial and safe at all stages of pregnancy. Osteopaths check the mother’s pelvis to ensure it is balanced and ready to allow the passage of the baby. Osteopathic treatment to release any restrictions within the pelvis gives the best chance of an easy and un-complicated labour.

Osteopathic treatment can be beneficial in:

  • Easing the physical discomforts of pregnancy by helping the body cope with the increasing weight gain of the baby and fluid.
  • Preparing the body for the demands of labour.
  • Helping recovery afterwards from both the pregnancy and delivery.
  • Helping reduce strain on the spine and pelvis, particularly during the first few weeks after the baby is born due to the unaccustomed lifting and carrying a new baby.

Pregnancy is a unique event for a mother’s body. Enormous physical, chemical and emotional changes take place over a relatively short period of time. Osteopathy can help support a woman’s body to adapt to the physiological changes during this time and allow her enjoy the pregnancy in health.

Conditions Treated
Back & Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Headaches & Migraines
Repetitive Strain Injuries
Knee/Ankle/Foot Pain
Disc pain & Sciatica
Jaw Pain
Colic/Reflux/Constipation/Wind Feeding & Sleeping Difficulties
Birth Trauma
Glue Ear
Book an appointment
Call: 086 404 5268

Opening Hours:
Monday 9am-5pm
Tuesday 9am-6pm
Wednesday 8am-6pm
Thursday Closed
Friday 9am-4pm
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